The treatment process is very short. Depending on the size of the tattoo it can take anywhere from 90 seconds to 5 minutes. Before the laser treatment actually begins, we'll treat your tattoo area with a cool compress to numb the skin as well as a topical numbing agent to try to relieve any discomfort that you may experience. When the laser treatment itself begins, you will hear a rapid snapping sound as the laser emits the beam. As the snapping occurs and the laser moves over your tattoo, the ink will become white on the surface of your skin. This lasts for about ten minutes after the process is complete. When the whole tattoo has been treated we will supply you with a topical cream for aftercare. Use this cream during the after care period to ensure that your skin heals thoroughly and you get the best results. We offer a couple different choices of creams so you can pick the one that fits your lifestyle best.